My Truths
I have a tendency to not talk about things and burying them deep down in my soul. Somehow I worry that what I tell someone would be used against me or they will react negatively to what I tell them. So I keep suppressing these secrets in hopes they will disappear. What I am learning is that they unconsciously manifest into an action, mood or anxiety. Here I plan (more like attempt) on being open with my truths. I must stop being my worst enemy and self destructing everything around me as a defense mechanism. Today I started with my first truth. My sister recently went to dinner with someone and when I was told about it I flipped out. All I could do is say to my mom is that I hated that MF'er. I never try to hate, so for me to say that one must realize I must have a reason. As a child there was a family member who did something to me. I never told my parents out of fear I would be blamed or looked at differently. For years I hid this from people because I never thought it cou...